I told myself that it was time to turn my dreams into reality
For years I had been convincing myself that there wasn’t a market for hand made cutting boards. That a person would be just as happy with a cheap one made in batches of 1000. Then I started seeing other people creating these beautiful boards in their home shops. I knew I could make boards that were just as lovely. I knew it so strongly that I put all my determination into it, and as a result adoraboards was born!
Before I was able to make a single board, I had a lot of work to do to make myself a shop. First I had to get all my gardening tools out, which required laying a pad and building a garden shed. Then I ran a ton of electrical, as much as my panel could handle, since my garage was bare studs on the inside. Living in Saskatchewan, our winters can be as cold as -40 C for extended periods of time. If I wanted to have a functional shop year round I needed to insulate and get a heater in there, so I did just that. Finally I was able to board the garage, just in time for the weather to start cooling off. All the while I spent the year accumulating tools since all I had to my name was a miter saw. It was a long year full of anticipation!
November 13th, 2021
This is the date that I milled lumber for my very first board. This is the date that I felt an overwhelming amount of pride at everything I accomplished to get to that point. The date that I felt I was making history. The date I thought to myself, “this is what I’m meant to be doing”. The photo above is the first slab I made that would be turned into my beloved chevrons.
One month later, and with the overwhelming support of friends and family, I couldn’t make my boards fast enough! Before I knew it I found myself crunching a Christmas deadline. When the new year came around I made a goal for myself, STOCK UP! I applied to as many stores as I could think of, adoraboards needed some face time in a proper store! I was still wiping the board butter off the big batch of boards that I created for stock when I received an e-mail from a very well known and highly reputable store front in Saskatoon. They wanted to stock my charcuterie boards AND my bar boards!
Fast forward to one year later…
On adoraboards one year anniversary I attended my very first market. I’ve sold wholesale to stores across western Canada. I’ve been able to lessen my hours at my day job. I’ve grown exponentially happier, albeit at the cost of some exhaustion, however I wouldn’t trade where I am today for anything. Adoraboards growth is rising at a healthy rate, and it couldn’t have happened without all of my wonderful customers who understand the importance of supporting the little guys who are working to put food on their table. If you’ve read this far then thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me your time :)
Take care,